Thursday, April 11, 2013

Finding the Best Online Server Backup

Finding the Best Online Server Backup

The world of onsite data backup is sometimes a confusing one. After all, the world expects that you are going to have and keep your data regardless of what may happen, even though this is sometimes a lot easier to say than it is to do. When you have your data backed up onsite, you may believe that it is perfectly secure because it may not be as directly connected to what hackers can easily access as your standard servers are. Unfortunately, this is a state of innocent ignorance that a lot of business owners eventually come to regret when something goes wrong.


To learn more about backing up your data properly, read this.


The nature of offsite server backup is not to be paranoid about what can happen, but rather to be aware of what is eventually going to happen at some point. As nice as it would be to believe that the world is going to support your data and that your servers are going to stay safe from being tampered with or physically damaged, this is not a reasonable assumption to carry with you. If you believe this, sooner or later you are going to be sadly disappointed and lose a lot of your data. In this case, ignorance is most certainly not bliss.


As a matter of fact, a lot of the data that you may think is passing securely between your servers and the rest of the world may be being intercepted at this very moment by malicious code and the hackers who craft it. As irritating as it is, your data is always going to be in a state of potential damage, breach or even total loss. This is why backing up your data is a crucial element of being secure in the online world regardless of the setup you currently have going on.


To learn more about the backing up process, read this.


Because of the danger that your data is in during every moment of every day, you need to seek out the best online server backup method and make this method a part of your standard operating procedures. If you do not make this into a part of your standard methods of operating, you are going to seriously regret not doing so sooner instead of later. The fact of the matter is that your data is only under your control while it is in the hands of professionals. Sometimes these professionals are not the ones in your employ.


This is not to imply that your people are in any way incompetent, but merely to express how busy they typically are with the local issues that keep IT department staffs constantly busy and IT managers taking large amounts of antacids. Your IT staff is busy putting out fires and simultaneously trying to keep your business on the road to healthy and functional expansions. In some cases, this makes backing up your data properly a secondary priority simply because there are not enough hours in the day to do everything.


Because your IT staff can only do so much, they need to triage their time spent on any given type of task. This means you need to know when to hold your data and when to fold it up and send it offsite to an outsourcing partner. While you may not have as much direct control over your data when it is backed up, by contract you will be entitled to generous compensation in court if your outsourcing partner ever attempts to do anything illegal, unethical or otherwise shady with the data you entrust to it.


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